Engineering Design Services:

Mechanical Design:DWU 05 200


Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Exhaust and containment systems

Application-specific air filtration systems

Neutral outside air ventilation systems

Spot heating and cooling systemsPW Controls 200

Heat recovery systems



Hot water heating plants/systems/piping

Steam heating plants/systems/piping

Chilled water plants/systems/piping


Control Systems:DWU 01 200

HVAC equipment & system controls

Building management systems


Pumping Design:

Constant speed systems

Variable speed systemsPW Pumps 01

Parallel pumping systems

Series pumping systems

Primary/secondary pumping systems.


Plumbing Design:

Domestic hot/cold water distribution systems

Gas distribution systemsDSCF1508 200

Sewage and wastewater systems

Water/sewage lift systems

Drainage systems 


Electrical Design:

General space and site illuminationElec 01 200

Specialized lighting systems

Site-specific grounding systems

Transient voltage protection systems

Site and standby power generation systems

Lightning protection systems

Automated lighting control systems